It begins with an idea

"Regenerative agriculture goes beyond sustainability; it revitalises existing systems to full health, fostering healthy soil and plants. It provides a system solution to a system problem."


soil degradation by



world population by 2050

global crop yields are lost each year to drought 



fresh water is used for agriculture

CroBio uses microbes to capture and store water in the soil

When we talk about climate change, it's important to know that carbon, a natural part of our world, isn't bad by itself. The real issue is how human actions are causing an imbalance of carbon, which leads to problems. That's where CroBio comes in. We’re at the forefront of creating a balance between the earth (soil) and the air (atmosphere).

CroBio uses an exciting biotechnology approach. We introduce specially enhanced bacteria to plant roots, that produce a sponge-like material - cellulose. Why is this important?

Enhanced Water Retention:

This is a big deal, especially in drier areas. The treated soil can hold water better, which means plants can grow more easily, even with less rain.

Boost in Soil Carbon:

Our technique increases the soil's ability to store carbon. By retaining more carbon in the soil rather than in the air, we help mitigate climate change.

CroBio's approach aligns with nature's carbon cycle, offering a sustainable and scalable way to improve planetary health.

This is a big step in our journey to tackle climate change and ensure food security for all.